Dr. Nitin is a recipient of IBM Drona Award. He is active member of professional society like Senior Member IEEE (USA), ACM, SIAM (USA), Life Member of CSI and other professional societies. He is reviewer of several prestigious Journals/Transactions like IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, The Computer Journal, Oxford Press, many SPRINGER/other Scopus indexed International Journals. His research outlines emphasis on Network Coding, Interconnection Networks & Architecture and Online Phantom Transactions. Dr. Nitin has accorded several other awards for Best Paper Published, Session Chairs, Highest Cited author, Best Students Thesis Guided, and many others.
Dr. Nitin has been instrumental in various Industrial Interfacing for Academic and Research at his previous assignments at various organizations.
He is having several publications in Scopus Indexed/SCI/High impact Journals and International Conferences. Dr. Nitin is guided five PhD students of various Universities and Industries. He has successfully guided many M.Tech and B.Tech students. Dr. Nitin was contributory in various prestigious Accreditations like NAAC, NBA, QAA, WASC, UGC, IAU, IET and others.