Dr. Pradnya Sulas Borkar

Assistant Professor

  • Education   B.E.(CT), M. Tech(CSE), PhD(CSE)
Dr. Pradnya Sulas Borkar
  1. Paper published in various International journals of repute, International and National Conferences.
  2.  Authored Book(3)( 02- Regional, 01-International).
  3. Edited Books(3).
  4. Patent Granted (01 International, 01(in Process) National)
  5. Patent Published(03 National), Copyright published.
  6. Grant (AICTE-ISTE - For Refresher Program).
  7. Worked as a member in Syllabus Revision.
  8. Worked as a member of the LEC Committee.
  9. Interview panel members.
  • Operating Systems
  • Distributed Systems and Resource Management
  • Computer Architecture and Organization
  • Specialization
    1. High Performance Computing
    2. Bioinformatics
    3. Parallel Computing
  • Focus
    1. Parallel Computing

Journal Publications

No. Information
1 P. Borkar, et al., Implementing end-to-end encryption strategist for strengthening data security across network communication, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 2024, Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 465 – 476, DOI:10.47974/JDMSC-1902
2 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2024), Quantum Computing Threats: Study the Potential Threats that Quantum Computing Poses to Blockchain Security, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(10s), pp. 342-348.
3 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2024), Accelerating RNA Secondary Structure Prediction using Parallel Algorithm on Multicore Architecture, Sådhanå 49:6 Indian Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12046-023-02343-5.
4 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2024), Choosing a Suitable Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain Applications: A Review of Factors and Challenges”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering ISSN 2147-6799, 12(10s), 333–341.
5 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023) ,Deep learning and image processing-based early detection of Alzheimer disease in cognitively normal individuals, Soft Computing, ISSN :14337479 DOI: 10.1007/s00500-023-08615
6 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023) Assessment of diabetic retinopathy progression using CNN from ocular thermal images, Soft Computing ISSN :14337479,DOI: 10.1007/s00500-023-08238-1.
7 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023), Experimental Analysis of Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning with Emphasis on Hyper Parameter Tuning and Recursive Feature Elimination, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, 16(6), pp. 80-85, DOI: 10.22266/ijies2023.1231.08.
8 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023), Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Early Skin Cancer Detection, Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN: 1112-5209, 2023, 19(3), pp. 1–14.
9 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023),Generative Adversial Network Approach for Cartoonifying image using CartoonGAN , Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN: 1112-5209, 19(3), pp. 181–191.
10 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023), Depression Therapy Chat-Bot using Natural Language Processing, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering ISSN 2147-6799, 12(2s), 181–187.
11 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023),An Analytical Approach on Various Deep Learning Models for Image Classification International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering , ISSN 2147-6799 ,11(7s), 593–605.
12 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023),Image Captioning Using ResNet RS and Attention Mechanism, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, ISSN 2147-6799,11(7s), 606–613.
13 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023), Significance of Artificial Intelligence in the Production of Effective Output in Power Electronics, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 11 Issue: 3s.


No. Information
1 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2023) ,An Empirical Analysis Of Machine Learning Models With Performance Comparison And Insights For Heart Disease Prediction,3rd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences 01-02 Nov 2023.
2 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2022), Detection and Classification of Waste for segregation based on Machine Learning, 3rd International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks, LNCS, Vol. 588, pp119-132, 10-12 Jun 2022.
3 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2022), Sign Language Recognition using Machine Learning, 3rd International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks, LNCS, Vol. 588, pp 407-414, 10-12 Jun 2022.
4 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2020), RNA Secondary Structure Parallel Algorithm on Shared Memory Multicore Architecture, International Conference on Integrated Intelligence Enable Networks and Computing organized by Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand, India sponsored by IEEE, Springer Nature, SIRG, 05-07 September 2020.
5 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2020), Graph Isomorphism Algorithm using OpenMp on Shared Memory Multicore Architecure ,International Conference on Integrated Intelligence Enable Networks and Computing organized by Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand, India, Sponsored by IEEE, Springer Nature, SIRG, 05-07 September 2020.
6 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2016),Genetic Algorithm based approach for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction, sponsored by Springer International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering(ICACIE), organised by C.V.Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, India 21-23 Dec 2016 .
7 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2008),A Survey of architecture and Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Network IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Application of Digital Information and Web Technologies, Ostrava University, Czech Republic Aug 4-6, 2008, 978-1-4244-2623-2.
8 Pradnya Borkar, et. al., (2014) ,Different RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Method,ICESC-2014, International Conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Processing & Computing Technology Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Shri.Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru College of Engg,Nagpur 9th-11th Jan 2014.
  • Authored Books:
    • Book Title: Digital Twins(Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and Smart Manufacturing)
      ISBN: 978-3-11-077878-6
      Publisher: De Gruyter
      Remarks: Scopus Indexed
    • Book Title: Data Warehousing and Mining
      ISBN: 978-818917857-1
    • Book Title: Computational Skills
      ISBN: 978-93-84336-73-8
  • Edited Books:
    • Book Title: Computational Approaches in Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Applications
      ISBN: 9781032635255
      Publisher: Taylor and Francis
      Remarks: Early View available online
    • Book Title: Parallel and High Performance Computing in Artificial Intelligence
      Publisher: Taylor and Francis (In Process)
Sr. No. Patent Title Patent Number Patent Type Date
1 A Smart Device For Online Class (International Patent)
2021102390 Granted N/A
2 An Artificial Intelligence Enabled Robot for Home Assistance 202221056358 Published 23/12/2022
3 Toothpaste Dispensing Travelling Toothbrush 202021024957 Published N/A
4 Single Interface to handle data of Multiple machines using IOT 2020201032630 Applied N/A

Design Patents

Sr. No. Design Patent Title Design Patent Number Date
1 Network Analyzer 394502-001 6/9/2023
2 Window Cleaning Device 396214-001 27/09/2023

Copyright Registered

Lab Manual (Language Processor)

Registration Number: L-107091/2021

  • Received Grant from AICTE -ISTE to conduct One Week Refresher /Induction Program on "Recent Trends in AI" September 2021.
  • Master Trainer for High Performance Computing under National Supercomputing Mission.
  • 04 NVIDIA Certifications
  • Accelerating CUDA C++ Applications with Multiple GPUs
  • Fundamentals of Deep Learning
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++